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Artificial Turf

The increasing importance attached to scholastic sports programs has fueled demand for uniform, all-season sports fields, and many communities are considering the installation of artificial turf as a solution. This type of turf is typically composed of a base layer for drainage made from gravel or stone, sand, a backing layer, turf fibers (blades) and infill material used to keep the turf fibers upright and provide cushioning.


Artificial turf fields have been around since the introduction of “Astro Turf” at the Houston Astrodome in 1965. Since then, tens of thousands of turf fields have been installed in communities around the country.

Fast Facts


  • A typical football field utilizes 100-120 tons of ground up used tires (crumb rubber) to cushion the field and keep the plastic “grass blades” upright.


  • Crumb rubber dust and small pieces are easily inhaled or swallowed as they become disturbed during game play.


  • Tires can release hazardous chemicals, oils and heavy metals that can persist in the environment and pose a threat to student athletes.


  • Statistics show that injuries are actually more common on artificial turf surfaces.


  • On a hot sunny day, artificial fields can reach a temperature of 180-200º F.

The benefits of artificial turf, as touted by their manufacturers, include 24/7 use, all-weather play, a safer surface resulting in fewer injuries, and a maintenance-free field with no need for mowing, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. This pitch makes the allure totally understandable.


The emerging science presents a more sobering reality. A typical football field utilizes crumb rubber infill from as many as 40,000 recycled tires (100-120 tons). Tires are made from some very toxic chemicals, including the known carcinogens arsenic, benzene, carbon black (which makes up to 40% of a tire), 1,3 butadiene, TCE, and cadmium, as well as neurotoxins, lead and mercury. Crumb rubber dust and small pieces are easily inhaled or swallowed as they become disturbed during gameplay.


The green plastic artificial turf field is frequently impregnated with or treated topically with antimicrobial chemicals (legally defined as pesticides) to address body fluid contamination and antibiotic-resistant staph infections like MRSA. Naturally maintained grass fields require no chemical use and beneficial soil microbes deal effectively with body fluids.


Anti-static chemicals are also frequently used, as well as flame retardant chemicals, to address the high flammability of rubber and increasing acts of arson vandalism, and perfluorinated chemicals, to facilitate the manufacturing process of plastic grass blades going through an extruder.


Statistics show that injuries are actually more common on artificial turf surfaces, especially those that are not constantly maintained for resiliency. The G-max rating - the ability to absorb impact - changes as the materials are compacted, often leaving an unsafe, harder surface that makes injuries more likely and more severe. Common injuries include joint trauma (especially ankles and knees), concussions, “turf toe,” and unusually large skin abrasions which are more prone to infection. These are some of the reasons that the majority of professional athletes prefer natural grass.


Then there are heat issues. Studies from Brigham Young University showed that artificial turf averaged 37 degrees hotter than asphalt and 86.5 degrees hotter that natural grass. On a hot sunny day, artificial fields can reach a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Dehydration, heat stroke and other serious heat-related illnesses and second degree burns occurring on the soles of the feet of athletes have spurred turf manufacturers to sell water canons for cooling the fields, even though the water only reduces the temperature for about 20 minutes, at which time the process has to be repeated. Heat also increases the outgassing of volatile chemicals, which makes them more problematic as an inhalation exposure.


Young children are especially vulnerable to toxic exposures from artificial turf due to their play habits close to the ground and typical hand-to-mouth behaviors. Due to their small size, they receive proportionally greater doses of chemical contaminants than adults and their immature organs and developing bodies make it more challenging for them to detoxify or eliminate certain toxins. Toxic substances in the crumb rubber can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or accidentally ingested.


Moreover, there are a growing number of reports of higher than usual cases of lymphoma and leukemia among athletes playing on artificial turf, especially soccer goalies, who regularly dive onto the turf, releasing dust and infill particles. To date, no studies have been conducted to confirm a link, but common sense tells us that chemicals in tires that are linked to cancer should be avoided.


Plastic pollution has become a worldwide concern, as tiny pieces of plastic are being found in the blood and organs of every human tested, including newborns, and artificial turf fields are a source of concern. As the plastic components of artificial turf break down into tiny plastic particles due to friction from field use, exposure to UV radiation from the sun and other sources of degradation, micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) are shed into the surrounding environment, contaminating soil, air and water sources. An average 80,000 square foot field contains 40,000 pounds of plastic and 400,000 pounds of infill. Depending on age, type of use and maintenance of the field, annual plastic fiber loss on a single field has been estimated at between .5% and 10% annually. Players on artificial turf are subject to all pathways of exposure to MNPs, including inhalation, skin absorption and accidental ingestion.


Additional concerns about the eventual disposal of artificial turf fields, potential legal liability, heat island effects and the loss of environmentally beneficial grass, which sequesters carbon dioxide and reduces global warming have convinced many decision makers to reconsider plans for artificial turf fields.

Artificial Turf Resources

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Related Websites
  • The ChildSafe School - This award-winning program promotes and provides a framework for a comprehensive approach to reducing environmental toxins in schools. Core issues include diesel exhaust from idling school buses, pesticides used on school grounds, cleaning products for interior use and emerging environmental health issues, including artificial turf fields, wireless technologies and fragrances.


  • How Green Is My Town?This online program, which addresses the three inextricably linked issues of sustainability, climate change and environmental health, provides a blueprint for 50 discreet issues, and contains the resources, templates, science and other essential tools to help every town achieve its environmental priorities.

Fostering positive and lasting change in environmental health policy through science and advocacy.

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